
Good night! Today, I’ve finally released my stress going out with some llamas. Oh yeah, my fur looks nice now. So, Mr. Llama was on point.

We went to a friends finals of his hockey regional team, but they loss. We went to a nice pub, we drank, and we played a lot of Cards Against Humanity. I lost to this same friend by only one point. He got 15, I got 14. :C

I enjoy going out with them, even though, sometimes, I feel less welcome than everybody. Maybe it is just me. I’m used to how warm Brazilian people are, and how much better I was at talking, or making jokes, because of the small, but significant language barrier I have to go through.

At least I had a good April Fools’. It could be better? Yes, but it also could be worse, so I can’t complain.

See you soon, muchachos! 😉